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Macedonia del Norte

provincia Skopje
A2 (Tetovo -Skopje)

Métodos de pago

Efectivo Pago con tarjeta

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Combustible Precio
Дизелово гориво ЕУРОДИЗЕЛ БС 74,50 MKD/l
Газ Пропан Бутан ТНГ 45,00 MKD/l
Бензин А98 ЕУРОСУПЕР БС 98 88,00 MKD/l

Los precios son aproximados

Dimitrij Bogdanovski
Google Places© на 29.07.2019

Why 5* me personally had unbelievable experience, the employees no 1, i forgot something personal and continue my way for tetovo and when i check i saw that my stuff is missing and i called the gas station, they said that it foind my belongings and after 4h when i was going back for Skopje, they kept my stuff which im very grateful for it. Thanks ?

Z.M. Todorovski
Google Places© на 07.06.2019

Coffee bellow average (Molinari, 2+) with relatively good price...

Goran Pecevski
Google Places© на 02.06.2017

Odlicen TNG

Stefan Nikolov
Google Places© на 24.11.2016

Насочиха ни и платихме в евро

Adnan Reka
Google Places© на 07.09.2016

There are two station across one another. The one on the right is my favorite place to stop ti and get some refreshments and coffee. I like the customer service in the gas station as they are pretty helpful

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